Store Collage

Monday, August 3, 2015

Meet the Maker - Jennifer Joost

Jennifer Joost
Joost Designs

What’s the story behind your company?
Joost Designs began as a love for art. After playing around with different mediums (paint, ink, charcoal, sculpture..etc) I found a love for metal and stones.  I have been an artist my entire life and have been creating jewelry for 5 years.  

What are you passionate about and how does that inspire your artistic creations?
I am a very passionate person who loves to inspire and be inspired by nature. Nothing gets my creative juices flowing like a hike in unknown territory. Sometimes images of places I have never been to can inspire me to create jewelry.

What is your favorite product to make?
I love to make anything from silver and gold.  There is nothing for exciting than taking a torch to one of these metals. It is simply beautiful to work with and the product is of high quality.

What do you find the most challenging on a day to day basis?
Not having enough beads.  Haha.. Im just kidding, but the beads that I want come from all over the world so I have to stock up when I do find some unique pieces for my designs.  

What one trait has helped you the most in your business as an artist/maker?
Patience.  This is the most important thing for a jewelry designer.  You can go from a sketch to another sketch, to even more sketches before you decide what you want to make.  Then making it takes time and patience to piece it together the way that you want.  For me beading is very therapeutic and full of zen.  

What do you think is more important, talent or drive and why?
I believe both are important elements when doing business.  Its one thing to have talent, but if you are not putting the talent to use then what do you have? They work hand in hand giving the artist the ability to succeed as a designer.

What is the toughest lesson you've learned and how did you learn it?
Crimping the wire on the pieces I make.  It just takes a LOT of practice.  Take it slow and make sure you are doing everything correctly, because this can make or break your finished design.  

What is the one piece of advice you have for other artists/makers?
Never give up.  Do what you love.  And inspire the world!

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