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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Meet the Makers - Dezerae and Gary Matthias

Dezerae and Gary Matthias

What's the story behind your company?
Due to illness and injury Gary was unable to work. Given our love of nature and hiking Gary started carving and Dezerae started painting personalized walking sticks for our kids and family. Upon advice from friends and family we decide to expand our creations into a business.

What are you passionate about and how does that inspire artistic creations?
Each one of our creations is a collaboration of our unique talents, our passions for different cultures and our love of nature. We can be inspired by pretty much any thing. Sometimes it's a culture, sometimes pure nature, and sometimes just the look and feel of a piece of wood can inspire ideas for future creations.

What are your favorite products to make?
We truly don't have a favorite piece or product. We love to work with all natural wood that we find hiking because we love how each piece of wood is unique and beautiful in its own way. Even at first if it looks dead and dull, being able to breath new life into it is an amazing feeling.

What do you find most challenging on a day to day basis?
For us or at least for Gary's with his health you never know if he will feel good enough to be working on our next piece. I know for him this is extremely frustrating, especially when he feels so alive with a new idea. For myself when I look at a piece that's ready to paint and I have the vision of it but outside elements keep me from doing what I love. That is the most frustrating for me.

What one trait has helped you the most in your business as an artist?
Passion....... Passion for art, passion for nature, passion for different cultures, passion for our family, passion for each other, and passion to be able to collaborate together. I also think being able to depend on each other.

What do you think is more important talent or drive and why?
Drive because without drive your talent is wasted. With drive you truly can do anything.

What is the toughest lesson you've learned and how did you learn it?
You can't rely on talent alone, if you don't put your talents out there you will never grow as an artist. For us every piece is like wearing a piece of our soul on our sleeve and some times it can be a challenge to put yourself out there like that. At first we were very nervous to show each new piece but then realized if your not sharing what you love and who you are it just sits in your garage.

What is the one piece of advice you have for another artist?

Keep doing what you love no matter what! Follow your own heart, and trust your instincts.    

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